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Unique Outdoor Wedding

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Your Special Day, in a Special Place

It is difficult to imagine a more idyllic wedding backdrop than our pristine mountain meadow. Grant us the opportunity to simplify the logistics of your special day at the Wyoming High Country Lodge. We offer a surreal setting for your ceremony, spacious dining room for reception, and accommodation for your guests, all in very close proximity to one another.

We prepare meals right here on site with our full service restaurant, and are very happy to cater to your expectations, budget, and taste when it comes to food and beverages. Many wedding parties prefer a private and personal atmosphere, and we offer the option to reserve our entire lodge facility for that reason. Additionally, with our broad covered porch, great room and dining area, we are able to offer a warm inviting venue during unpredictable changes in the weather. If you would like to add any special touches, for example a horse drawn carriage, we can arrange for that too!

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