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Wildlife Viewing & Photography

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Incredible Opportunities at Every Corner

The areas of the Bighorn National Forest which surround the Wyoming High Country Lodge offer some of the most exquisite opportunities for wildlife viewing in the United States. Our forest ecosystem is teaming with healthy populations of an incredibly diverse bunch of critters. What you may see here is influenced by time of year, time of day, and also elevation. Bighorn sheep, moose, elk, mule deer, white tail deer, pronghorn antelope, black bear, mountain lions, bob cat, red fox, coyote, wild turkeys, sage grouse, ring necked pheasants, red tailed hawks, bald eagles, golden eagles, porcupine, beaver, yellow bellied marmot, multiple species of trout, a variety of rabbits and squirrels, shrews, and the rare spotted bat all call this pristine habitat their home. Botanists will also enjoy spotting the many species of wild flowers and plants which grow in this region including lupine, prickly pear cactus, pasque flower, yellow pea, mountain harebell and a variety of conifers. Our knowledgeable staff are always happy to answer any questions you might have about the wildlife, or to show you the best locations for viewing.

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